Monday, August 23, 2010

Farewell Friday (8/20)

We had a great last day at the worksite on Friday. We started with our usual devotion, with Ricardo leading us in prayer. Al read from 1 Corrinthians 3:10-15, "...but each should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid...", and Kathleen, on of our Seven Sisters' friends, read a beautiful devotion, reminding us that we came to El Salvador because we needed a healing in our lives, and being here allows us to see our lives from a different point of view.

Cristina spoke next- telling us that giving our time without pay is to show future generations in this community how it came to be, that there is a print in each of the homes that shows it was built with joy and strength.

Oscar, one of the masons, spoke next. Oscar told us that everything has a beginning and an end. He thanked those of us who came before and reminded us that each of us stays in El Salvador in their hearts.

Ricardo finished the devotion with his thoughtful, spiritual words. He told us that when Habitat gives keys to the family, the masons and volunteers realize how big a part of a good deed we all are. He wished us many blessings, that God brings us home safely, and finished with "Thank you and God bless"- in English!

Next we heard from Maria, a resident and on the community's board of directors. Maria is wheelchair-bound, and this is the first home that she has lived in that is handicap-accessible. She asked each of us to sign her volunteer log. She shows the log to the children in the community, to remind them that volunteering is important and wants them to follow that example. She is a wonderful role model in the community and very inspirational.

After our great inspirational morning, last bit of work, we had a fiesta after lunch! This group really knows how to party. The children in the day care center put on a show for us. They dressed up and sang and danced and were the hit of the party (which, by the way, someone might want to check Mel and Jane's suitcases- they may have tucked a nina in there...). A mariachi band came in and the dancing begun. I played the cowbell so well with the band, I was offered a job. We started a conga line and broke more of a sweat than at the worksite. After the dancing winded down (only because the music stopped...), we said our goodbyes to our new friends. It's so bittersweet to leave, but there is so much joy...amongst the masons, families and us.

After quickly packing up at Hotel Sahara, 19 of us headed to the beach- the 11 of us, and our Seven Sisterhood friends. The Ohio group opted for another weekend. We had a three hour drive down to Costa del Sol, on the Pacific coach. We made a stop in San Salvador and drove past the very large US Embassy. Upon arrival to the resort, we checked into our rooms and met up for dinner. After dinner we had our team meeting and evening devotion. It was a great way to wrap up the week. We read from Matthew 25:31-45, "...I was a stranger and you invited me in..."

Off for a good night's rest, then relaxation on the beach in the morning...

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